Eating Fish Good for Babies’ Brains
Researchers in the U.S. and the U.K. have conducted a study showing that mothers who consumed fish several times a week while pregnant give birth to babies that score higher on mental and social skills tests. To conduct the study, the scientists sent questionnaires periodically to 11,875 pregnant women who had due dates ranging from April 1991 to December 1992. The questionnaires contained questions regarding their diet during pregnancy and their children’s development up until 8 years of age. The findings contradict pervious ones warning against the possible effects of too much fish during pregnancy. Dr Joseph Hibbeln of the US National Institute of Alcohol Abuse and Alcoholism, led the study: “For the baby's development, at the level of 12 ounces (equivalent to 3 servings) a week during pregnancy, the beneficial effects of the nutrients in fish far outweigh the risk.” The study did not, however, give any indication as to why fish would be so beneficial, although the researchers speculated it most likely has something to do with the high levels of omega-3 fatty acids that fish carries. Omega-3 fatty acids are also present in other foods such as hemp seeds, flax seeds, walnuts, kiwi fruit and eggs from chickens whose diet includes greens and insects.